Stop video piracy now:

Protect your content with AutoGraph.

Xvid AutoGraph protects video by invisibly watermarking each delivered copy with unique per-user DNA.

A DRM that is no DRM.Video watermarking to stop piracy the smart way. The best tool to distribute your film online.Video watermarking to stop piracy the smart way.

Invisible and Robust

A secure watermark embedded into every frame of the video which cannot be seen and cannot be removed.

Identifiable Copies

Every streamed or downloaded video becomes unique. Pirate copiers can be traced back and identified.

Unobtrusive to Users

Videos can be played back everywhere. And fair-use like creating personal backups also remains unrestricted.

Embedding unique digital user DNA into each video copy.

Every time your customer downloads or streams a film, Xvid AutoGraph automatically embeds a unique customer ID tag as digital DNA into the delivered video. Each copy can then always be traced back to its original recipient revealing any illegal uploader with pin-point accuracy. Digital DNA, integrated on the fly.

Any copy is one of a kind, not to be pirated anymore. Stops online theft in an easy-to-use and affordable way. Keeps your revenue and your content well protected without annoying loyal fans like conventional DRM would do.

Solid protection that is not intrusive or annoying, neither for you nor for your customers. One that truly respects your loyal fans and keeps their purchased content portable.


The embedded watermark doesn't affect the visual quality of autographed files, no matter the resolution or format chosen. Invisible to the human eye it can only be extracted in our digital forensic lab.


The video itself is the encryption. Hence it can't be removed or evaded. No matter if downloaded or streamed, every film always has the unique and secure user ID watermarked in each frame of the film.


Your content is safe and your fans remain happy as autographed video always comes as a standard video format of your choice. No need for your customers to run special software or to buy specific hardware.


Deployable on-site or as well in the public or private cloud, Xvid AutoGraph is easily scalable and does fit all typical monetization models for online or web video content perfectly.


The distribution cost of autographed content may not be higher than what you pay already today. We offer suitable pricing that does work with all typical video monetization business models.


Now playing on any device near you.

Free of format or platform restrictions, Xvid AutoGraph is finally the safe and affordable protection for your valuable content. Check our private demo that will allow you to embed your own secret message into your video.

Take me to the Smart Demo

Stop piracy today.

Join us on our mission to protect your content, your creativity and your revenue. In a balanced approach, respecting your loyal fans, users and customers. Join us in being a better DRM without being one.

See for yourself what Xvid AutoGraph can do for you

Get your invitation to the private demo or take the tour to learn more about the unique features and the technology behind AutoGraph.